Are your workouts not getting the results you want? Are you doing the same old thing in the gym day in, day out? Are you getting bored?
The simple fact is, if you have been doing the same workout for more than six weeks your body has got bored of that workout too. Here are 2 workouts to help you mix things up a bit to keep you on track for your goals. They are personal favourites at STAY IN MOTION.
The Full body GYM Circuit – approximate time 45 minutes
Warm up – 5 minutes Cardio – 2/3 minutes stretching.
Treadmill – 5 minutes, 1% incline, Fast paced jog
20 Squats, 20 Press Ups, 60 second Plank
Repeat 3 times
Cool down – 5 minutes gentle cardio – 5/7 minutes stretching.
Killer Cardio – approximate time 40 minutes
Warm up – 5 minutes Cardio – 2/3 minutes stretching.
INTERVAL SESSIONS (can be performed on any cardio equipment or outside in the park)
1 minute WALK
1 minute SPRINT
Repeat 10 times
Cool down – 5 minutes gentle cardio – 5/7 minutes stretching.
If you are looking for a Personal programme specific to your needs please do not hesitate to contact us and book a no obligation consultation.
If you partake in these workouts you do so at your own risk. STAY IN MOTION cannot be held responsible for any injury or accident that may occur during your workout. All Sport and exercise has an element of risk of injury, and you are responsible for your own safety. If in doubt please seek professional help and support you need.